If you're not happy with your purchase for any reason, you can send it back to us for a refund or exchange. We understand it's harder to choose correctly online. However, we do need some rules in order to offer this service:
- You need to send back your product within 14 days.
- You will pay for the return postage. The original postage is not refundable. However, in the unlikely event your purchase is faulty, we will refund your purchase price in full including the postage and handling charge.
- The goods must be in their original packaging, clean, unused and undamaged.
- Please include in the package the invoice or invoice number of your purchase, your reason for returning it, whether you would like to exchange (and if so, what for) or obtain a refund, and the return postal address. Please include your phone number and/or email address.
- If you bought your Hug-a-Bub product from another retailer, please contact them for after-sales service in the first instance.
We reserve the right to refuse refunds or exchanges that do not meet these conditions. If you have any concerns or questions about our terms and conditions, please do no hesitate to contact us. Thank you for shopping with us.